Ebola è contro l'obbligo di cura, la repressione, l'omologazione, la depersonalizzazione.
Supportare l'antipsichiatria è uno dei primi sforzi dato che questo viviamo, tutti i giorni.
Ebola è odio accumulato da frustrazioni di un sistema liberticida e lo stesso odio è usato contro il sistema liberticida e la frustrazione derivante.
Ebola è contro il bieco protagonismo di una band musicale fine a sè stesso.
La musica mainstream non è il modello al quale ambire, ma il cancro dal quale vogliamo fortemente stare lontani e differenziarci con tutti noi stessi.
Ebola è solo un nome volutamente non originale e che puoi anche dimenticare.
Anche nei gruppi di punx, antagonisti&libertari o presunti tali, talvolta vige la tendenza all'autoincensarsi tanto da puntare più sul 'marchio' che sulle idee. Tante volte sembra che si tenda più a seguire un copione seguendo quello che è il 'percorso punk'.
Materiale da vendere può andare bene come sussistenza, ma per stare ben lontani dal misero 'potere' che può darti un gruppo di persone che suona vale la pena mostrare e ribadire concretamente che chi partecipa ad un concerto o sostiene tale gruppo è uguale/non inferiore a chi suona.
Per noi è fondamentale non che si ricordi e si promuova 'il marchio', prioritario è che si ricordino i testi, gli spunti, le emozioni positive o negative in perenne contrasto con l'indifferenza e l'ignavia...
Che girino più i testi dei gruppi, che le idee rimangano VIVE.
Desiderare il meglio vivendo nel peggio, non giacere.

venerdì 25 ottobre 2013


1.            Hello! Please introduce you to the ones who don’t know you yet! 

First of all we want to thank you to contact us for this interview because we have a weakness for paperzine. Marchi (the first guitarist) has a zine written by hand named ‘Charge’). So…We are Ebola (Ultracore Bastards). We  born in 2007 like a noisecore/grind/hc band. The first line-up was Dany (singer and drums) and Marchi (first guitar) starting doing rough noisecore. After several changes we added a guitar (with Manu) and the actual drummer (Crema); we chose to have no bass because for our kind of genre it isn’t primary. When I talk about ‘Ebola’ I prefer to consider every people that share our way of expression and support us writing lyrics, DIYing stuffs or simply helping and supporting us. Because of this the list of members is very long, but we have to mention Stefania (who sings on the stage with us the cover of our brothers of Kalashnikov Collective), Shnell & Auro (who wrote some songs), Johnny (occasional  guitar tournist) Anna, Yunior, Heresia Rec, Charge zine, Max, etc… 

2.            There is also a german band named EBOLA. Do you know them? Why have you chosen your name? 

DANI: There’s lot of band named Ebola…I know the German ones and when we play with Nulla Osta they think we could be them…Anyway this is not a problem for us. When we chose  the name it wasn’t important for us because we prefer that people could focus on lyrics, messages and our way of expression. We don’t want that people just collects our ideas & thoughts taking recordings and put them in their list of groups after the first listening…I think we would not to be ‘rockstars’ so it isn’t important if there are other bands with the same name. We want no copyright and this is a choice totally unmarketable so if we had chosen a name like ‘Fucking Purulental Deprived Obscenity Of Jesusanal  ’ I think that wouldn’t be so natural like taking the first name we had in mind (also adding that in Italy there wasn’t active band with the same name in the punx scene).
3.       You’re doing a east Europe tour in august. How did this get possible? Do you know any bands from there? Where can you play and with which bands?

DANI: Choosing not to have Myspace or Facebook it’s more difficult to take gigs, but we prefer just to use mail and speaking with people who could organize a gig for us also a lot of months before the tour. If you have to use a media like internet you can establish a contact more human and less frantic by e-mail. Anyway our main idea is to play in squats or diy places and also last year we had a tour in the west Europe with an old camper making 8500 km in 8 days at 80 km/h and taking from Spain to Holland passing in Basque Countries, France and Belgium. It was very hard, but very stimulant. This year we had a big trouble with the van and we broke it in the north of Serbia…With the help of great guys (thanks to Robi and Vuk&Kimi) we were able to do the same 2 gigs in Serbia and an other one in Romania but we had to skip the gigs in Greece and Bulgaria (hope to play there in another occasion). I take this opportunity to give a big wish to die in the Croatian border to the cop who didn't allow us to pass just watching our faces and he didn't even check our documents…During this tour we had the chance to know great bands and people and I want to mention Dishumanity, Livia Sura, Pavlionul 32 and Mitar of New Mortal Gods.

4.       Are you politically active?

DANI:  I think that your political activities are during every day of your life. Anyway our group is first of all a group of friends and because of this we share also moments besides gigs and trips so our bond remains also in other social situations. Shortly we are against every kind of oppression and repression. We prefer to play in benefit gigs, taz, squats and places far from a logical profit. Only in some of our lyrics we talk directly of social themes just because we don’t want to talk ever of the same arguments risking to abuse about it (I think that other active groups in the scene could do it better) and in the other songs you could find by your own  answers about what you have read. Anyway at the gigs I often speak about social themes (personally I’m more involved on anti-psychiatric question) alternating obscure rage and irony because a gig is an occasion to think but also to delight. This could appear very insane, but (contrarily to what think our society) insanity is a virtue. 

5.       Brescia is in Lombardia, where the LEGA is pretty popular. Do you have any problems with them? What can you tell us about Brescia?

 DANI: Certainly they’re the heirs of legalized xenophobia, but actually their big limit is their ignorance and they didn’t had a big influence with young people. In Brescia they have a pretty popularity because people that some years ago had a militancy in political parties of the left were disappointed by the way that left taken. n this situation Lega operated in direct contact with people in the street, typical behave of the parliamentary left which now is more bourgeois and it’s not so interested in such a thing. For these reasons and for a big basic ignorance of the people Lega increased their consents in Brescia.. Shortly Lega are a group of racist old jerks and could just wipe our fucking asses.
Actually we lives in different parts of Italy (I live in Valcamonica, near the mountains, Marchi and Crema in Bologna and Manu in Bergamo) but we often find ourselves in Brescia and I think The bigproblems of Brescia are those of the big cities where citizens think only of their quiet and are not interesting in problems of the others. In practice, the indifference reigns supreme on the weaks. If you add a lot of repression you can easily understand that squats and social centres are resisting very hardly and a lot of places are cleared. At any rate sometimes born some squat situation and we obviously support with our means.
Hope you could be satisfied by our answers. Hugs, Sex and Ultracore.

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